Plant Varieties

Why protecting plant breeders'rights?
In the dynamic world of agriculture, innovation is key to sustaining and enhancing our food systems. One critical aspect of this innovation is the protection of plant varieties, a form of intellectual property known as plant breeders’ rights. This right is not just a legal framework; it’s a powerful tool that ensures the hard work and creativity of plant breeders are recognized and rewarded.

Why do farmers and society need new varieties?
Farmers and society need new plant varieties for several important reasons:
Improved Yields: New varieties can produce higher yields, which means more food from the same amount of land.
Disease and Pest Resistance: New varieties can be bred to be more resistant to diseases and pests, reducing the need for pesticides and ensuring healthier crops.
Climate Adaptation: As the climate changes, new varieties can be developed to thrive in different environmental conditions, such as drought or heat.